Promoting Lifetime Habits
Not Short-Term Diets

Nancy J. Peckenpaugh, MSEd, RD, CDN, CDE — Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator

Real Cowboys Eat Beans

For Cowboys and the Women Who Love 'Em

A humorous review of why and how to eat beans for health and weight loss with illustrations and Month of Beans menu. Written by a Registered Dietitian/Certified Diabetes Educator with years of practice helping people lose weight

Price: $18.00 with S/H

Peasant Eating for Royal Living

a.k.a. Beans and Greens

The basic premise of this book is that if we eat like our Peasant ancestors, we allow our bodies to Live Royally, but if we eat Royally, we make our bodies work like Peasants. This book explains why Atkins and Ornish are both right and both wrong.

Currently out of print

Genna, The Henna-Spotted Giraffe

Genna the Henna-Spotted Giraffe is a coloring/storybook about a short giraffe who has to overcome her fear of eating leaves in order to magically grow tall so she can play basketball with her friends and makes a basket by the end of the story. Appropriate for children up to age 10.

Price: $3.00 with S/H

To order, please send an email to: with your desired purchase and Nancy will contact you regarding logistics.

Nutrition: Essentials & Diet Therapy, 11th edition

ISBN: 978-1-4377-0318-4

This basic nutrition textbook is used in nursing schools but is also appropriate for anyone desiring general nutrition information for use by individuals and families.

Order from: Elsevier Sciences or Amazon.